Fundamentals of Aerodynamics for Paragliding Beginners

Understanding the fundamentals of aerodynamics is crucial for anyone beginning their journey in paragliding. These principles explain how and why a paraglider flies to ensure safety and enhance performance during flight. Below, we’ll explore fundamental concepts that every Paragliding beginner should know.

Lift and Weight

Lift is the upward force that counteracts gravity, allowing the paraglider to rise and stay aloft. It is generated as air flows over and under the wing (the paraglider's canopy), creating a pressure difference.

How Lift is Generated:

  • The wing's shape, known as an airfoil, is designed so that air moves faster over the top surface than the bottom. This creates lower pressure above the wing and higher pressure below it, resulting in lift.
  • The angle of attack, the angle between the wing’s chord line and the direction of the oncoming air, plays a critical role in generating lift.

Weight is the force of gravity pulling the paraglider and pilot downward. The lift must be equal to the paraglider's weight for it to maintain level flight. If the lift is greater than the weight, the paraglider will ascend; if the lift is less than the weight, it will descend.

Thrust and Drag

Thrust in Paragliding primarily comes from gravity when descending or thermal updrafts when ascending. Unlike powered aircraft, paragliders do not have an engine to provide thrust. Instead, pilots use environmental factors such as wind or thermals to gain altitude.

Drag is the resistance that the air exerts on the paraglider as it moves through it. Drag opposes the forward motion of the glider and is divided into two main types:

  • Parasite Drag: Caused by the parts of the paraglider and pilot that do not contribute to lift, such as lines and harnesses.
  • Induced Drag: A byproduct of lift caused by the airflow disruption at the wing tips.

To glide efficiently, a balance must be achieved between lift and drag. The goal is to maximize lift while minimizing drag.

The Angle of Attack

The angle of attack (AoA) is one of the most critical concepts in Paragliding. It is the angle between the wing's chord line and the oncoming airflow.

  • Increasing AoA: As the angle of attack increases, lift increases to a point. However, if the AoA becomes too steep, the airflow can no longer smoothly adhere to the wing's surface, leading to a stall.
  • Decreasing AoA: Reducing the angle of attack decreases lift and lowers the risk of stalling, making it crucial for maintaining control during descent.

Pilots adjust the AoA by using the brakes or weight-shifting, which alters the wing's angle relative to the airflow.


Stall and Recovery

A stall occurs when the angle of attack is too high, causing a rapid loss of lift. In a stall, the airflow over the wing becomes turbulent, and the wing may collapse or lose its aerodynamic shape.

  • Signs of an Impending Stall: The wing may feel sluggish, the controls may become less responsive, or you might notice a sudden drop in airspeed.
  • Recovery: To recover from a stall, the pilot must decrease the angle of attack by releasing the brakes and allowing the wing to regain its shape and airflow. Understanding how to recognize and recover from a stall is vital for safety.

Glide Ratio

The glide ratio measures how far a paraglider can travel horizontally for every unit of altitude lost. For example, a glide ratio of 8:1 means that the paraglider can glide 8 meters forward for every meter of altitude lost.

Factors Affecting Glide Ratio:

  • Wing design
  • angle of attack
  • The pilot’s weight and position
  • Environmental conditions (wind, thermals)

A higher glide ratio is generally desirable for cross-country flights, as it covers longer distances without losing too much altitude.

Wing Loading

Wing loading refers to the weight supported by a given wing area. It is typically measured in kilograms per square meter (kg/m²).

  • High Wing Loading: Results in faster flight speeds and better performance in strong winds but can make the glider less responsive and more prone to stalls.
  • Low-wing loading provides better lift at lower speeds and is generally safer for beginners, though it may be more susceptible to turbulence.

Wing loading affects the glider’s behaviour in different conditions, and pilots must choose a wing that matches their weight and skill level.

Thermals and Ridge (Dynamic) Lift

Thermals are columns of rising warm air that can provide lift for paragliders. They are formed by the uneven heating of the earth’s surface and are commonly found in areas like fields, asphalt roads, or rocky outcrops.

A ridge lift occurs when the wind hits a hill or ridge and is forced upward, creating a rising air current along the windward side. This can provide sustained lift, allowing pilots to soar along the ridge without losing altitude.

Thermal and ridge lifts are crucial for extending flight duration and covering greater distances without descending.


The fundamentals of aerodynamics are essential for every paraglider pilot, as they directly impact flight safety and performance. By understanding how lift, drag, angle of attack, and other factors influence your paraglider, you can make informed decisions in the air, avoid dangerous situations like stalls, and enjoy a more controlled flight experience. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced pilot, continuing to learn and apply these principles will enhance your skills and confidence in Paragliding.